Buffing Mops

Buffing Mops

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  • a0411.jpg
    Used on high speed bench grinders usually with buffing compounds to polish metal. The swansdown versions are the softest mop available.
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    Used on high speed bench grinders usually with buffing compounds to polish metal. The loose leaf versions yield and 'wrap around' the work better.
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    Used on high speed bench grinders usually with buffing compounds to polish metal. Sisal mops are the coarsest fibre similar to that in rope and act as a strong and aggressvie carrier for your choice of cutting compound.
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    Used on high speed bench grinders usually with buffing compounds to polish metal. The stitched versions are less yielding than the loose leaf.
    * Product has attributes
    Used on high speed bench grinders usually with buffing compounds to polish metal. Sisal mops are the coarsest fibre similar to that in rope and act as a strong and aggressvie carrier for your choice of cutting compound.
    * Product has attributes

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