Not only is the book »The Anarchists Workbench« a detailed plan for a simple workbench that can be built with construction timber and standard woodworking tools, it also tells the story of Christopher Schwarz's 20-year journey of researching, building and refining historical workbenches until there was nothing left to improve. »The Anarchists Workbench« is the third and last book in the »Anarchist’s« series and attempts to cut through the immense amount of misinformation about building a perfect workbench. It helps to answer the questions that occur to every woodworker: What kind of bench should I choose? Which kind of wood should I use? What dimensions should my workbench have? And which vices should I attach to it? Surprisingly, not much has changed in the way a workbench is built over the last 700 years. What has changed, however, are the raw materials available to the modern wood craftsman.