The Wood Works Book & Tool Co.
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Oil, Linseed, Cold Bleached, 5 litre

Oil, Linseed, Cold Bleached, 5 litre
Item Code: C2763
$ 275.57
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Especially bright and colour-fast. Pre-oxidation slightly bleaches the oil and significantly improves its drying properties.
Cold-pressed from linseeds, this hardening oil is used for the ecological protection of wood. Highly transparent, chemical-free and food safe with only minimal odour. Linolja can be used directly in its pure form. It is also suitable for producing linseed-oil paint (with iron oxide pigment), as well as being mixed with tar oil for use outdoors.
Note: On the Australian market so called 'boiled linseed oil' in times past was in fact boiled in its production process to produce a faster hardening rubbing oil.  Nowadays Boiled Linseed is typically raw with chemical dryers added and is not food safe rated. Dryers used in the wood coatings market have a chequered history as they are predominantly heavy metals such as lead which is toxic hence the switch to un-leaded petrols.
See here a Wikipedia source for the suggested link to crime and leaded fuel.


Size/weight/qty 5 litres

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