Wood Juice is a specially formulated product for treating dry or semi-dry wood to prevent future checking, cracking and warping.
Bear in mind that all solid wood sections which have reached equilibrium moisture content in a temperate geographical location typically experience annual seasonal expansion and contraction cycles caused by taking on moisture in summer and drying in winter. This can result in wood splitting long after it had been assumed to be seasoned.
If like many people you have a stash of wood put by for that special use one day consider a product like this.
This product will provide more stability to the wood. It was developed to compensate for the difference in lower moisture content of the drier wood. Whereas, Pentacrylâ„¢ is formulated to stabilize green or fresh cut wood with a higher moisture content.
To see Directions for usage, MSDS and FAQ's see the Preservation Solutions site under the Wood Treatment drop down in the banner.