LIBERON - Premium carnauba based wax. Can be buffed after 20 minutes.
(see below for colour chart)
Liberon Black Bison Fine Paste Wax is ideal for nourishing and protecting all types of wood, including lacquers and French polishes. Black Bison is well known for its quality and distinctive, pleasant smell. It is traditionally used on antiques but is also suitable for use on modern furniture and will enhance the natural beauty of wood whilst protecting it against dryness.
Usage : Interior
How to use
Remove old waxes and dirt with Liberon Wax and Polish Remover if necessary.
Apply Black Bison Fine Paste Wax sparingly with a cloth on a delicate / French polished surface or with ultra fine steel wool (Liberon grade 0000) when a deeper penetration is required. Allow to dry for 20 minutes, or until touch dry, and then buff with a clean cotton cloth or furniture brush. Repeat the operation on new or very dry wood as it may require two or more coats. For a better finish buff with a Liberon Furniture Brush once the last coat has dried.
Always test product on a spare surface or inconspicuous area for colour, compatibility and end result.
Cleaning and maintenance
Wipe over with a cloth or duster and re-wax as required when the surface looks dull and tired. Do not wash with water.
Antique Pine, Clear, Dark Oak, Georgian Mahogany, Golden Pine, Maple, Medium Mahogany, Medium Oak, Neutral, Stripped Pine, Tudor Oak, Teak, Victorian Mahogany, Walnut, Yew.
Coverage - 500ml = 5-6m²
Drying Time - Minimum 20 minutes
Tool Cleaning - White Spirit
Application - Steel Wool - Cloth