These milled super-thin scrapers are for final finishing of raw wood or for smoothing an applied finish. They are only 0.010" (0.25mm) thick and can easily be used two-handed or just one-handed (as shown).
They take a slightly finer shaving when used as provided, square edged. You can put a hook on them (with light pressure) that makes them slightly more aggressive; the shaving becomes a tight curl rather than a wavy ribbon. Their thinness is their strength; they take very thin shavings and you have to be really ham-handed to do any harm.
A very specialized use for them is to lay them flat on a finish with dust specks in it; you sweep the scraper back and forth to knock off the tiny bumps caused by the specks.
They are a nice complement to our other scrapers and just a couple of Rockwell points harder (Rc51-53) to compensate for their lack of thickness. Scrapers measure 2" × 6" (50mm × 150mm).