MAY REQUIRE UNIVERSAL REGION DVD PLAYER. Turning a block of wood into a spectacular bowl is a creative challenge that holds a very special sense of satisfaction when you master it.
But, with its own unique strategies and subtle techniques,...
MAY REQUIRE UNIVERSAL REGION DVD PLAYER. Internationally acclaimed woodturner Richard Raffan demonstrates how to make turned boxes with suction-fit lids in this 55-minute video.
Raffan reveals the tricks you need to know when turning boxes and...
In this updated version of the world's most popular turning video, you'll discover new insights, tips, and advice from Richard Raffan, the acknowledged master of this subtle art. In your one-to-one seminar with th
WOOD FLOORING DVD: A complete guide to installing wood floors- DVD
Today, wood flooring comes in a wide array of types and materials -- from engineered wood to wide planks made of exotic species. But traditional strip flooring (measuring 2 to 3...
MAY REQUIRE UNIVERSAL REGION DVD PLAYER.Bench side instruction on how to make a gouge do more than you may have thought possible. Chris starts with a new tool and thoughtfully walks you through all the steps of preparation to finally achieve that...