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    MAY REQUIRE UNIVERSAL REGION DVD PLAYER.Bench side instruction on how to make a gouge do more than you may have thought possible. Chris starts with a new tool and thoughtfully walks you through all the steps of preparation to finally achieve that...
    Item Code: V0203
    $ 49.95
    Item Code: V0203
    $ 49.95
    WOOD FLOORING DVD: A complete guide to installing wood floors- DVD Today, wood flooring comes in a wide array of types and materials -- from engineered wood to wide planks made of exotic species. But traditional strip flooring (measuring 2 to 3...
    Item Code: V0119
    $ 29.95
    Item Code: V0119
    $ 29.95
    In this updated version of the world's most popular turning video, you'll discover new insights, tips, and advice from Richard Raffan, the acknowledged master of this subtle art. In your one-to-one seminar with th
    Item Code: V0006
    $ 29.95
    Item Code: V0006
    $ 29.95
    MAY REQUIRE UNIVERSAL REGION DVD PLAYER. Internationally acclaimed woodturner Richard Raffan demonstrates how to make turned boxes with suction-fit lids in this 55-minute video. Raffan reveals the tricks you need to know when turning boxes and...
    Item Code: V0008
    $ 34.95
    Item Code: V0008
    $ 34.95
    MAY REQUIRE UNIVERSAL REGION DVD PLAYER. Turning a block of wood into a spectacular bowl is a creative challenge that holds a very special sense of satisfaction when you master it. But, with its own unique strategies and subtle techniques,...
    Item Code: V0023
    $ 29.95
    Item Code: V0023
    $ 29.95
    A complete discussion of how to build a finger jointed box with Rob's favorite hidden wooden hinge.
    Item Code: V1100
    $ 49.95
    Item Code: V1100
    $ 49.95
    Mike Darlow offers over 7 hours of instruction over 2 DVD's.
    Item Code: V0009
    $ 34.95
    Item Code: V0009
    $ 34.95
    Mike Darlow is a recognised specialist in the theory and use of the skew , the most flexible yet most demanding in terms of the skill required of all turning tools.
    Item Code: V0011
    $ 34.95
    Item Code: V0011
    $ 34.95
    DVD - Suri-Urushi
    Item Code: V1510
    $ 94.15
    Item Code: V1510
    $ 94.15
    MAY REQUIRE UNIVERSAL REGION DVD PLAYER.Learn to prepare the work area, choose and install sanding belts, work along edges and corners, repair defects and damage, fill the floor, and get a perfect final coat.
    Item Code: V0109
    $ 34.95
    Item Code: V0109
    $ 34.95

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