Results 3051 - 3060 of 17432 Show:     Items Per Page
  • e3548.jpg
    Used to quickly and accurately dress and true Japanese water stones either natural or synthetic.
    Item Code: E3548
    $ 236.89
    Item Code: E3548
    $ 236.89
    SHAPTON - Ultra precise flattening block with diamong coating. Flattens both ceramic and water stones to within + / - 4 microns.
    Item Code: E3637
    $ 829.92
    Item Code: E3637
    $ 829.92
    Blocks, Linocut, Rubber, 2 size options
    Item Code: P3410a
    $ 12.49
    Item Code: P3410a
    $ 12.49
    * Product has attributes
    Blocks, Set-Up, Metric, Set of 9, #05N5812, #703854
    Item Code: E1036
    $ 159.30
    Item Code: E1036
    $ 159.30
    Board, Fretsawing, Overall 210mm, #59 003 210
    Item Code: E1910
    $ 8.60
    Item Code: E1910
    $ 8.60
    Board, Shooting, Veritas, Complete, Left Handed, #703268
    Item Code: E0721
    $ 767.75
    Item Code: E0721
    $ 767.75
    Board, Shooting, Veritas, Complete, Right Handed, #703267
    Item Code: E0720
    $ 767.75
    Item Code: E0720
    $ 767.75
    Board, Shooting, Veritas, Fence Only, #703266
    Item Code: E0723
    $ 383.72
    Item Code: E0723
    $ 383.72
    Board, Shooting, Veritas, Track Only, #703842
    Item Code: E0722
    $ 170.78
    Item Code: E0722
    $ 170.78
    Bob Lang's Complete Kitchen Cabinetmaker
    Item Code: B7795
    $ 50.49
    Item Code: B7795
    $ 50.49

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