The Wood Works Book & Tool Co.
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Saw, Dovetail Hybrid, Bad Axe,12inch (300mm), HYBRID CUT, Cut Depth 2-1/2 in (64mm), Open Handle, 14 ppi, 0.2 inch (0.5mm) Plate, Recommended Build

Saw, Dovetail Hybrid, Bad Axe,12inch (300mm), HYBRID CUT, Cut Depth 2-1/2 in (64mm), Open Handle, 14 ppi, 0.2 inch (0.5mm) Plate, Recommended Build
Size / Weight / Qty Price Quantity
Item Code: W6030 Small Handle Price:
$ 577.50
$ 577.50
- +
Item Code: W6031 Regular Handle Price:
$ 577.50
$ 577.50
- +
Item Code: W6032 Large Handle Price:
$ 577.50
$ 577.50
- +



Heirloom quality tools from makers at the very top of their game. Manufactured in small batches and for practical purposes hand made.

The Hybrid dovetail is scaled up from a stiletto and encroaches on sash and tenon saw specifications with three tooth cut options of which the hybrid is recommended.

We list, and by default will supply,  the Standard Recommended build although you can tailor your heirloom tool components - see below.

If you wish to specify variants please email your preferred combination and we will return an itemised quote for your approval. 

Note supply delays may currently apply due to demand and delays in manufacture caused by COVID. 

When you are happy to commit we will secure a deposit from you and either supply from stock-on-hand or secure your place in the supply queue.

 Tooth Variants
Hybrid - Recommended
Stiffener Variants
Black Oxidised Steel - Recommended
Titanium Nitride Plated Steel - add $75
Handle Variants
Mission White Oak - Recommended
Philadelphia Cherry - add $26
Wisconsin Black Walnut - add $35
Pennsylvania Hard Maple - add $50
Hand Size Variants
Small - 81~89mm
Regular - 91~99mm
Large - 101~109mm
Fasteners Variants
Brass slotted nuts - Recommended
Black Oxided/Gun Blued Steel Slotted Nuts - add $28
Gunsmith Nitre-Blued Steel Slotted Nuts - add $39.00


Please use this calculator to determine your hand size

HandSize 02

Conversion: Small up to 95mm, Regular 95~98mm, Large 98mm and larger




The Bad Axe Family of back saws

w6000 family








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