Results 9051 - 9060 of 17526 Show:     Items Per Page
  • f0505.jpg
    Microplane Grating Sled This is a sliding Attachment Accessory for Professional range of Microplane® Kitchen Rasps This grater attachement allows you to grate even small pieces safely. It protects your fingers from injuries by the sharp blade....
    Item Code: F0505
    $ 19.46
    Item Code: F0505
    $ 19.46
    Stable, heavy duty, cushioned rubber feet and stainless steel fittings. Perfect for water stones.
    Item Code: A1998
    $ 76.25
    Item Code: A1998
    $ 76.25
    Holder, Cutter, Profi, HOLDER ONLY, #714436
    Item Code: T0600
    $ 459.20
    Item Code: T0600
    $ 459.20
    Holder, Candle, Weck, 10pcs, #727501
    Item Code: P3205
    $ 16.80
    Item Code: P3205
    $ 16.80
    Hold Down, for UJK Track, #706580
    Item Code: E2092
    $ 78.12
    Item Code: E2092
    $ 78.12
    Hold Down, Bench, Cam Action, 19mm Shaft, Reach 60mm, Max Height 50mm, #705762
    Item Code: E2054
    $ 158.20
    Item Code: E2054
    $ 158.20
    Clamp, F, Ratchet Action, Steel, 120mm Throat, x 1000mm Open, 1900gms, #720463
    Item Code: E5284
    $ 313.60
    Item Code: E5284
    $ 313.60
    Clamp, F, Ratchet Action, Steel, 120mm Throat, x 1000mm Open, 1900gms, #720463
    Item Code: E5283
    $ 139.44
    Item Code: E5283
    $ 139.44
    Hoe, Ring, One Handed, 350mm Overall, 200gms, #718386
    Item Code: F3035
    $ 100.24
    Item Code: F3035
    $ 100.24
    Hoe, Pollux, Pickaxe, Copper, 310mm Overall, #714166
    Item Code: F3036
    $ 174.72
    Item Code: F3036
    $ 174.72

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