Results 9871 - 9880 of 17526 Show:     Items Per Page
  • t8021.jpg
    Paperless, replaceable, grinding plate. Lasts 50 times as long as an equivalent abrasive paper. For fine work in making models and musical instruments, also suitable for deburring aluminium and plastic parts. Particularly suitable for controlled...
    Item Code: T8021
    $ 39.27
    Item Code: T8021
    $ 39.27
    Paperless, replaceable, grinding plate. Lasts 50 times as long as an equivalent abrasive paper. For fine work in making models and musical instruments, also suitable for deburring aluminium and plastic parts. Particularly suitable for controlled...
    Item Code: T8022
    $ 49.02
    Item Code: T8022
    $ 49.02
    German made, precision angle grinder with long reach neck. Fixed 13000 rpm. See below for further details.
    Item Code: M0612
    $ 328.25
    Item Code: M0612
    $ 328.25
    Grinder & Polisher, Modelmakers, Proxxon, 230 volts, 1200gms, #28030, #SP/E
    Item Code: M1014
    $ 318.66
    Item Code: M1014
    $ 318.66
    Grille, Decorative, for Gates, #01S1529
    Item Code: H1358
    $ 166.16
    Item Code: H1358
    $ 166.16
    Green From The Ground Up
    Item Code: B6022
    $ 43.65
    Item Code: B6022
    $ 43.65
    Wasabi Horseradish Grater Blade of rustproof steel, natural wood handle
    Item Code: F0522
    $ 44.52
    Item Code: F0522
    $ 44.52
    Grater, Kitchen, Microplane, VERY COARSE, 'Black Sheep', 135 x 57mm plate, Overall 300mm, #746263
    Item Code:
    $ 113.61
    Item Code:
    $ 113.61
    Shaver, Large, Microplane, 'Master Kitchen', Walnut Handle, 135 x 57mm Plate, 300 overall, #746233
    Item Code: F0487
    $ 139.87
    Item Code: F0487
    $ 139.87
    Rasp, COARSE, Microplane, 'Master Kitchen', Walnut Handle, 135 x 57mm Plate, 300 overall, #746232
    Item Code: F0486
    $ 139.87
    Item Code: F0486
    $ 139.87

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