Results 11251 - 11260 of 17474 Show:     Items Per Page
  • t3465.jpg
    Punch, Set, Lettering, 27 piece
    Item Code: T3470
    $ 100.90
    Item Code: T3470
    $ 100.90
    Compressed wood plate joiners ideal for alignment and with quite good structural capacity especially if used in multiples.
    Item Code: C0411
    $ 100.93
    Item Code: C0411
    $ 100.93
    STUBAI - Austrian made, finely honed, the standard #52 Series carving tool from Stubai has an internal steel ferrule to minimise splitting. In this website the Stubai Series 52 and Series 55 tools are each grouped into their STRAIGHTS, LONG BENTS...
    Item Code: F4018
    $ 100.96
    Item Code: F4018
    $ 100.96
    STUBAI - Austrian made, finely honed, the standard #55 Series carving tool from Stubai has an internal steel ferrule to minimise splitting. In this site the Stubai Series 52 and Series 55 tools are grouped in their STRAIGHTS, LONG BENTS & SHORT BENTS
    Item Code: F4047
    $ 100.96
    Item Code: F4047
    $ 100.96
    P&N - M2 High Speed Steel, Hardwood handle with heavy brass ferrule.
    * Product has attributes
    Bit, Auger, JENNINGS SERIES #0033, 1 inch (25.40mm), Flute 4 5/16 inches (104mm), Diam.'all 9 inches (228mm), Trad Taper Drive, #0033002540
    Item Code: W2008
    $ 100.99
    Item Code: W2008
    $ 100.99
    Chinrest, Ebony, c:dix, Teka, Barrell 27mm, Violin 4/4, 3/4, #336655
    Item Code: Y2106
    $ 101.02
    Item Code: Y2106
    $ 101.02
    Chinrest, Ebony, c:dix, Guarneri, Barrell 27mm, Violin 4/4, 3/4, #336651
    Item Code: Y2104
    $ 101.02
    Item Code: Y2104
    $ 101.02
    Chinrest, Ebony, c:dix, Guarneri, Barrell 27mm, Viola, #336653
    Item Code: Y2109
    $ 101.02
    Item Code: Y2109
    $ 101.02
    Magnet, Rare Earth, Disc, pkt 5, 1 x 1/8 inch (25.40 x 3.18mm), #99K3213
    Item Code: H6005
    $ 101.08
    Item Code: H6005
    $ 101.08

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