Results 12131 - 12140 of 17432 Show:     Items Per Page
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    Blades for deep hollowing with integrally welded cutting tips of very high speed steel.
    Item Code: T5505
    $ 120.36
    Item Code: T5505
    $ 120.36
    Blades for deep hollowing with integrally welded cutting tips of very high speed steel.
    Item Code: T5506
    $ 120.36
    Item Code: T5506
    $ 120.36
    Stone, Sharpening, Naniwa Specialty Stone, for Magna-Tec, 1000 Grit, #708566
    Item Code: a2092
    $ 120.40
    Item Code: a2092
    $ 120.40
    Knife, Budding & Grafting, Victorinox, Blade 55mm, Overall 195mm, 60 gms, #718332
    Item Code: F3122
    $ 109.45
    Item Code: F3122
    $ 109.45
    Bit, Auger, HEX SHANK SERIES #0084, 36mm Diam., Flute 165mm, Overall 235mm, Hex 11mm Drive, #0084360235
    Item Code: W2299
    $ 120.40
    Item Code: W2299
    $ 120.40
    Clamp, Herdim, Luthiers, 75mm Open, 300mm Throat, K, #735729
    Item Code: Y0884
    $ 120.40
    Item Code: Y0884
    $ 120.40
    Disc, Abrasive, 150mm, 6+1 Hole, 100 pcs
    Item Code: D3160
    $ 120.44
    Item Code: D3160
    $ 120.44
    STUBAI - Austrian made, finely honed, the standard #52 Series carving tool from Stubai has an internal steel ferrule to minimise splitting. In this website the Stubai Series 52 and Series 55 tools are each grouped into their STRAIGHTS, LONG BENTS...
    Item Code: F4591
    $ 120.46
    Item Code: F4591
    $ 120.46
    Rasp, Plump, Liogier, Hand Cut, RIGHT HANDED
    * Product has attributes
    Rasp, Rotary, WARHEAD, Liogier, Hand Cut, STANDARD HARDNESS, 25mm Diameter, Stitch #6
    Item Code: F2218
    $ 120.49
    Item Code: F2218
    $ 120.49

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