Results 12921 - 12930 of 17475 Show:     Items Per Page
  • t4392.jpg
    Prebena® Hammer Tacker This hammer tacker has a reliable, easy-to-feed loading system and a robust metal housing, which guarantees a long life. The minimal effort required to use the hammer, its non-slip handle and easy dismantling without tools...
    Item Code: T4392
    $ 137.03
    Item Code: T4392
    $ 137.03
    Hammer, Roofing, Picard 698, Checkered Face, with Magnetic Nail Starter, Overall 315mm, 600g (22oz), Elastomer Handled, #705685
    Item Code: T4305
    $ 137.03
    Item Code: T4305
    $ 137.03
    Rasp, Rat Tail, Liogier, Hand Cut, RIGHT HANDED
    Item Code: F1536
    $ 137.17
    Item Code: F1536
    $ 137.17
    Man made COARSE shaping stone. Appropriate to rapid and aggressive removal of nicks and chips or for initial shaping. Mounted on pl;astic base, 185 x 63 x 25mm.
    Item Code: E3567
    $ 137.20
    Item Code: E3567
    $ 137.20
    The ergonomic design of these light-weight tools makes them easy to control and comfortable to use. The blades are made of high-quality, double-layered steel notable for its excellent edge-holding properties. The cutting edges are hardened to 63 RC...
    Item Code: F7065
    $ 137.20
    Item Code: F7065
    $ 137.20
    Chisel, Carving, Stubai 5501 Series, Straight, Double Bevel, Sweep 1, 01/50, #550150
    Item Code: F5014
    $ 137.25
    Item Code: F5014
    $ 137.25
    STUBAI - Austrian made, finely honed, the standard #55 Series carving tool from Stubai has an internal steel ferrule to minimise splitting. In this site the Stubai Series 52 and Series 55 tools are grouped in their STRAIGHTS, LONG BENTS & SHORT BENTS
    Item Code: F5043
    $ 137.25
    Item Code: F5043
    $ 137.25
    Rasp, Rat Tail, Liogier, Hand Cut, RIGHT HANDED
    Item Code: F1592
    $ 137.26
    Item Code: F1592
    $ 137.26
    Rasp, Rat Tail, Liogier, Hand Cut, RIGHT HANDED
    Item Code: F1594
    $ 137.26
    Item Code: F1594
    $ 137.26
    Rasp, Rat Tail, Liogier, Hand Cut, RIGHT HANDED
    Item Code: F1596
    $ 137.26
    Item Code: F1596
    $ 137.26

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