Results 2031 - 2040 of 17432 Show:     Items Per Page
  • l1371.jpg
    Blades, Scroll Saw, Pinless, NIQUA FIX REVERSE, #400/R
    * Product has attributes
    Caliper, Soundpost Length, 2 options
    Item Code: Y2339a
    $ 37.80
    Item Code: Y2339a
    $ 37.80
    * Product has attributes
    Caliper, Soundpost Length, 2 options
    Item Code: Y2336a
    $ 52.92
    Item Code: Y2336a
    $ 52.92
    * Product has attributes
    Retriever, Soundpost, 2 options
    Item Code: Y2333a
    $ 50.12
    Item Code: Y2333a
    $ 50.12
    * Product has attributes
    Setter, Soundpost, Herdim Classic, #735900
    Item Code: Y2331
    $ 17.08
    Item Code: Y2331
    $ 17.08
    Sets any edge angle from 15 degrees to 75 degrees on any stone diameter between 150 and 250mm.
    Item Code: A1934
    $ 48.96
    Item Code: A1934
    $ 48.96
    Setter, Soundpost, Herdim Classic, #735900
    Item Code: Y2330
    $ 27.72
    Item Code: Y2330
    $ 27.72
    Setter, Soundpost, Herdim Classic, #735900
    Item Code: Y2329
    $ 130.76
    Item Code: Y2329
    $ 130.76
    Many useful hints, 137 pages, 468 detailed line drawings
    Item Code: A1933
    $ 46.72
    Item Code: A1933
    $ 46.72
    Setter, Soundpost, Herdim Forte, 3 options
    Item Code: Y2320a
    $ 50.68
    Item Code: Y2320a
    $ 50.68
    * Product has attributes

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