Raffir Noble, Uranium Blue,, Brass, 120 x 25 x 40mm, #831938
Raffir Composites
When seen under artificial light or in indoor areas, it appears to have a plain, pale colour. However, this changes to a strong blue as soon as it is exposed to direct sunlight (UV-light). While the material is in the light, it charges up for the third stage, when the final colour reveals itself in darkness, glowing a strong yellow green. The strong blue and the glow effect are created by very fine pigments inside the material. The green luminescent effect is stronger the more light it receives. The blue colour effect is most effective when the material is cold and placed in strong sunlight. The pigments are of course non-toxic, despite their strong glow effect. The arrangement of the metal mesh in the material creates a stone-like structure.
Raffir Composites are materials made of natural fibres or metals and polymer resins. The metals brass, bronze and aluminium are used due to their machinability and corrosion resistance. Polymer resins bind the materials together, while giving contrast and 3D depth. The result is a deep, semi-translucent, high-contrast material for handles, jewellery, etc. The material is easily machined with tools for wood or plastic. It can also obtain a beautiful, high-gloss finish after polishing. Made in Denmark.