Results 12131 - 12140 of 17432 Show:     Items Per Page
  • Clamp, Crack Repair, Aluminium, Soft Jaw, Cello, 370~430mm, #735837
    Item Code: Y0832
    $ 132.17
    Item Code: Y0832
    $ 132.17
    Clamp, Crack Repair, Aluminium, Soft Jaw, Cello, 320~380mm, #735836
    Item Code: Y0831
    $ 132.17
    Item Code: Y0831
    $ 132.17
    Clamp, Crack Repair, Aluminium, Soft Jaw, Cello, 270~330mm, #735835
    Item Code: Y0830
    $ 129.64
    Item Code: Y0830
    $ 129.64
    USA made. Clamps work at 90 degrees. Manages stock to 75mm. Die Cast aluminium construction with steel screws. See below for adjustable version.
    Item Code: E5088
    $ 40.46
    Item Code: E5088
    $ 40.46
    USA made. Clamps work from 90 back to splicing at 180 degrees. Manages stock to 75mm. Die Cast aluminium construction with steel screws. See below for fixed 90 degree version.
    Item Code: E5089
    $ 51.32
    Item Code: E5089
    $ 51.32
    Carcase assembly clamps - 2 pcs
    Item Code: E5090
    $ 46.33
    Item Code: E5090
    $ 46.33
    Clamp, Carcase/Corner/Shelf, One Handed Action, Spannlux, 10~80mm Grip Range, 1160gms, #287503
    Item Code: E6060
    $ 105.58
    Item Code: E6060
    $ 105.58
    Clamp, Carcase, Piher, PRL 400, 85 x 800mm, #721015
    Item Code: E6121
    $ 124.89
    Item Code: E6121
    $ 124.89
    Clamp, Carcase, Piher, PRL 400, 85 x 600mm, #721014
    Item Code: E6120
    $ 115.05
    Item Code: E6120
    $ 115.05
    Clamp, Carcase, Piher, PRL 400
    * Product has attributes

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